About Us

Hey there! My name is Amanda, the owner of Wicked Bead Studio. I am full of creative energy and always looking for creative outlets, which is how Wicked Bead Studio was born. A love for shiny rocks, crystals, and gemstones combined with a creative need to make something unique for others to enjoy has unfolded into the ever growing and ever changing Wicked Bead Studio. I am so glad to meet you and hope you are able to find something special while you're here! 

My beading journey began as a slight interest in the bead isle at my local craft store. Hundreds and hundreds of beads ranging in size, color, and texture. Some glittered and some didn't, but each strand sparked inspiration. And you know what? Years later, I still have this same experience each time I find myself shopping for more beads to add to my collection! It is so cool to me that I get to bring my inspiration into the studio to design and create jewelry for you. When you purchase a piece of jewelry from Wicked Bead Studio, just know that your piece was envisioned, brought to the drawing board, and created as it's own unique piece by me personally. If I did not create the piece personally, it will be clearly marked in the listing because I believe in full transparency with my supporters. Thank you for stopping by!

Stay Wicked, 
