Aquamarine, A Gemstone for Pisces, not Taurus

Aquamarine, A Gemstone for Pisces, not Taurus

My absolute favorite gemstone is Aquamarine. This pale blue stone is so aesthetically pleasing, it is such a neutral color, it’s perfect. Sadly, this precious stone is for the Pisces, not the Taurus like myself.

Aquamarine has many stone benefits for Pisces (and everybody of course, just being dramatic!) This stone is believed to make people feel stronger, empowered, and confident according to a recent blog I visited, Moon Magic blog. 

What I love about gemstones (regardless of the title of this blog) is that they truly are for everybody. My Taurus heart still gets to enjoy this gorgeous stone and I totally do. I wear it frequently. There is something about holding an aquamarine gemstone in your hands (or maybe this Crystal just has a certain call to me personally). You should give this gemstone a try whether you pick up a raw stone, a polished stone, or wearable stones in jewelry, I would love to know your experiences with aquamarine!


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