5 Tips to Caring for Your Handmade and Fine Jewelry!

5 Tips to Caring for Your Handmade and Fine Jewelry!

One of the biggest challenges any jewelry owner faces is extending the life of their pieces! Whether your jewelry is made from sterling silver, gemstones, glass beads, or aluminum wire, knowing how to store and clean is essential for long-lasting pieces. At the end of the day, all jewelry will eventually lose its shine, but with proper care, it is possible to extend the life of your jewelry with these 5 tips!

1. Safe, Dry, and Clean storage is Essential!

It may seem like an obvious tip, but it is so easy to take off your necklace or bracelet at the end of the day and toss it to the side of a nightstand or desk. Ideally, the jewelry should be stored in a felt or fabric-lined jewelry box or jewelry stand. This helps keep jewelry safe from water, dust, and tangling. Storing your jewelry in any way that is sealed and airtight: Even Better!

silver-colored ring with gemstone in a box

2. Avoid Water!

Unless you're diving into the pool with a waterproof watch, take it off!! Take off any jewelry before swimming or showering! This will undoubtedly extend the life of your jewelry by ensuring it is not exposed to harsh chemicals, whether that is chlorine from the pool or soap in the shower!

3. Gems not Gyms

While I generally live by this rule, the gym is perfectly fine, but not for your favorite gemstone bracelet. Let's take Tip Number 2 a step further! Take off your jewelry when exercising! Not only will your sweat chemically react in the most damaging of ways, but working out is a high-risk activity for jewelry breakage! Not to mention, this is one of the easiest ways to lose jewelry! Gemstone care is tricky, and could easily be an entire care post on it's own! Keep your eyes open for a "best way to clean gemstones" blog from Wicked Bead Studio.

a collection of jewelry on a white surface4. Say No to Lotions and Body Sprays

To keep the "avoid chemicals" themes going, be very careful not to expose your jewelry to harsh chemicals in general, but especially lotions, perfumes, body sprays, and hairsprays. 

5. Scrub a Dub Dub Dub...GENTLY!

One of the most simple, effective, and popular ways to clean your jewelry includes warm water, a soft brush, and some mild dish soap. I use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner for most of my jewelry. I tend to wear 3 sets of diamond studs in my ears, so the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is a must for me! BEWARE! Some gemstones are not appropriate for ultrasonic jewelry cleaners. To be safe, I generally hand wash my gems and gemstone jewelry. Either cleaning method is just fine and is a great way to preserve your handmade and fine jewelry!

That's It!

You're now ready to keep your earring, bracelets, necklaces, rings, and all of your other jewelry safe and clean! 

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